Professor Richard Wilkinson to be honoured

Professor Richard Wilkinson to be honoured

University of Arizona News

Five University of Arizona faculty members will be honored for their exceptional achievements, which of which have garnered them national and international recognition.

The induction ceremony will be held Jan. 22, at 4:30 p.m. in Crowder Hall, which is located in the Music Building, 1017 N. Olive Road.

UA Professors Howard Ochman, Elizabeth Vierling and Richard Wilkinson are the latest to be designated as Regents' Professors. Paul Wilson and Carroll McLaughlin are the newest University Distinguished Professors.

The honor of Regents' Professor is awarded only to full professors and is the highest honor awarded by the University to its faculty members. . . .

Wilkinson, a professor in the departments of classics and Near Eastern studies, is internationally renowned for his eight popular books on Egyptology, which have been translated into 19 languages.

He also is famous for his leadership of the UA Egyptian Expedition as well as for his excavations in the Valley of the Kings – most notably of the mortuary temple of the 12th century B.C.E. Queen Tausert, one of the few Egyptian queens who ruled Egypt as pharaoh.

See the above page for the full story.

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