John Garstang in Liverpool

John Garstang in Liverpool

An exhibit is being held in Liverpool to display the life and finds of the famous Egyptologists.

- Sad News: Professor John Evans
The Telegraph, UK Evans rejected the "diffusionist" theory that such development could not have come about without the influence of hypothetical "invaders" from a supposedly more advanced Orient. Maltese prehistoric culture had flowered, he suggested,...

- Current Research In Egyptology X
CRE X Current Research in Egyptology X kicks off today at the University of Liverpool, U.K.. I'm still in Wales sorting out family affairs so I couldn't attend this year but I hope that I will hear reports of on some of the papers from friends...

- More Re New Gallery At World Museum, Liverpool. A major new gallery at the World Museum Liverpool looks at the incredible world of the Pharaohs and the remarkable culture that built the Pyramids and the Sphinx. Ancient Egypt, opening this Friday 5 December 2008, contains 1,500 fascinating...

- Egyptian Collection's New Gallery ("Liverpool's prestigious Egyptian collection is to get a new look - thanks to a £300,000 grant. World Museum Liverpool is one of 43 institutions across the country to benefit from grants totalling...

- Liverpool Exhibition
The exhibition in Liverpool will feature the famous Ramses III girdle/belt as well as a beautiful white new kingdom coffin, up till this time I had believed that the badly damaged coffin trough of the Lady Tay in Bristol was the only one in the U.K. I...

