Egyptian collection's new gallery

Egyptian collection's new gallery (
"Liverpool's prestigious Egyptian collection is to get a new look - thanks to a £300,000 grant. World Museum Liverpool is one of 43 institutions across the country to benefit from grants totalling almost £4m, jointly funded by the Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Wolfson Foundation Museums & Galleries Improvement Fund.
The grant will involve completely refurbishing the museum's Egyptian gallery, which is now 30 years old. The collection is the museum's largest single group of antiquities. It is made up of about 15,000 items, almost 5,000 of which came from a donation by Liverpool goldsmith and antiquarian Joseph Mayer in 1867."
The gallery is due for completion in 2008.

The URL for the World Museum Liverpool (UK) is:
Details of the Egyptology collection, with two online photograph galleries showing images and details of items in the collection, can be found on the site at:

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