Jon Bodsworth photos

Jon Bodsworth photos

Thanks to all who replied yesterday. I now have an email address, and hope to get in touch. I do realize, as some of you pointed out, that he has made it clear that a) the photos are copyright free and b) he no longer maintains the website - both facts are stated unambiguously on his Contact page. It is just that it seemed polite to check before using all his hard work in such an intensive way. Thanks in particular to Jean-Pierre Houdin and Vincent Brown.

- Hemienu To Houdin: Phase One, Part B
Em Hotep (Keith Payne) The second part of Keith's article Hemienu to Houdin, part of a superbly illustrated series looking at different theories of pyramid construction. Part A can be found here. In Hemienu to Houdin: Phase One, Part A, we looked...

- Hemienu To Houdin
Em Hotep (Keith Payne) Another excellent piece from Keith Payne, stuffed full of diagrams and photographs. Most theories of how the Great Pyramid of Khufu was built agree that some sort of external ramp was required, even if an external ramp alone would...

- Photo For Today - Hor Awibra, Cairo
My grand plan to use photos from the Petrie's website has been foiled today because the website has been down since last night. Instead, I've taken the opportunity to highlight another great online resource - Jon Bodsworth's Egypt Archives...

- Secret Chamber Discovered In The Great Pyramid
Talking Pyramids (Vincent Brown) Breaking in the news this morning was the announcement of a new discovery: Egyptologist Bob Brier has discovered a hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid! Apparently the discovery was made while investigating the merits...

- French Pyramid Theory Rejected "Egyptian, German and US archaeological experts have rejected the theory of the French archaeologist Jean-Pierre Houdin about how the Giza Pyramids were built, Zahi Hawass, the Secretary-General of Egypt's Supreme...

