Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections

Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections

Volume 2, Issue 2 (2010) of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections is now available. The Journal still doesn't have its own website but the Table of Contents is available at:

- Journal Of Near Eastern Studies Thanks to Kat for doing all the work to extract the seven book reviews of Egypt-related interest from the latest volume of the Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Neither articles nor book reviews are available free...

- The Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
UA News The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, an electronic peer-reviewed journal, has been created out of a collaboration with UA faculty and the UA Libraries. By University Communications March 6, 2009 The University of Arizona Libraries...

- Apuntes De Egiptología
Apuntes de Egiptología Thanks to Kat for sending this to me: Apuntes de Egiptología is a free and full-text online journal published by the Centro de Estudios del Antiguo Egipto and edited by the late Prof. Jorge Roberto Ogdon. The yearly journal publishes...

- Journal Of Egyptian Archaeology 93, 2007
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (EES) The JEA is a leading international journal for the publication of Egyptological research. The journal publishes scholarly articles (main articles and brief communications), fieldwork reports, and reviews of Egyptological...

- New Polish Egyptology Journal to Jerzy Prus for letting me know that the first issue of a new journal, The Polish Egyptoloical Journal (Polski Przegląd Egiptologiczny), in Polish and English, is now available. Details, including a Contents listing, with...

