Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections Vol 1/3

Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections Vol 1/3

UAIR (subscriptions)

The latest issue of the boisterously named Journal of Egyptian Interconnections is now available.


"A Cuneiform Legal Presence in 'The Report of Wenamun'?" By James Elliott Campbell;

"Applying a Multi-Analytical Approach to the Investigation of Ancient Egyptian Influence in Nubian Communities: The Socio-Cultural Implications of Chemical Variation in Ceramic Styles"
By Julia Carrano, Stuart T. Smith, George Herbst, Gary H. Girty, Carl J. Carrano, Jeffrey R. Ferguson;

"The Aamu of Shu in the Tomb of Khnumhotep II at Beni Hasan" By Janice Kamrin;

"A Devastated Foreign Landscape Depicted in Luxor Temple" By Danielle Phelps;

Recent books, reviews, and upcoming conferences.

- The Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
JAEI Vol 4, No 1: JAEI March 2012 Articles “The Galatian Shield in Egypt” by Matthew C. Coleman“The Obelisks of Augustus: The Significance of a Symbolic Element of the Architectural Landscape in the Transmission of Ideology from Egypt to Rome”...

- Jaei 3.3
Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections “Egyptian Gold in Prepalatial Crete? A Consideration of the Evidence” by Cynthia S. Colburn, Pepperdine University.“ ‘Stop, O Poison, that I May FindYour Name According to Your Aspect’: A Preliminary...

- Rosetta Journal - Winter 2011 #09
Rosetta Journal As well as a variety of other topics covered in the journal are a number of notes and short reviews are concerned with Egypt, available free of charge as PDFs. Marsia Sfakianou Bealby: 'Conference report: The Third British Egyptology...

- Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
Volume 2, Issue 2 (2010) of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections is now available. The Journal still doesn't have its own website but the Table of Contents is available at:

- Journal Of Archaeological Science Volume 36
JAS Volume 36, Issue 3, Pages 573-936 (March 2009) Available for subscribers or for purchase as in PDF format Identification of a chrysocolla amulet in an Early Dynastic child mummy Journal of Archaeological Science Raffaella Bianuccia, Grazia Mattutinob,...

