The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections

The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections


Vol 4, No 1: JAEI March 2012

  • “The Galatian Shield in Egypt” by Matthew C. Coleman
  • “The Obelisks of Augustus: The Significance of a Symbolic Element of the Architectural Landscape in the Transmission of Ideology from Egypt to Rome” By Steven R. W. Gregory
  • “Egyptian Ideas, Minoan Rituals: Evidence of the Interconnections between Crete and Egypt in the Bronze Age on the Hagia Triada Sarcophagus” By Paula L. Martino
  • Zipora Cochavi-Rainey-- The Akkadian Dialect of Egyptian Scribes in the 14th and 13th Centuries BCE Reviewed by James Elliott Campbell
  • A. Merriman-- Egyptian Watercraft Models: From the Predynastic to Third Intermediate Periods Reviewed by Pearce Paul Creasman
  • Bruce Louden-- Homer's Odyssey and the Near East Reviewed by JAEI Staff
  • Bezalel Porten et. al.-- The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change (Second Revised Edition) Reviewed by Nikolaos Lazaridis

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- Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
Tables of Contents for this and other issues may be viewed online at: The Editors of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections are pleased to announce the publication...

