Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections Vol 3, No.4

Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections Vol 3, No.4

Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections

Vol 3, No 4: JAEI August 2011
Access restricted to subscribers

Campaign of Ramesses III against Philistia
Dan'el Kahn
Egypt and the Chad: Some Additional Remarks

Thomas Schneider
A Long Walk in the Desert: A Study of the Roman Hydreumata along the Trade Routes between the Red Sea and the Nile
Christina W.M. Scott

S.E. Sidebotham--Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route
Pearce Paul Creasman

- The Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
JAEI Vol 4, No 1: JAEI March 2012 Articles “The Galatian Shield in Egypt” by Matthew C. Coleman“The Obelisks of Augustus: The Significance of a Symbolic Element of the Architectural Landscape in the Transmission of Ideology from Egypt to Rome”...

- Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
Tables of Contents for this and other issues may be viewed online at: The Editors of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections are pleased to announce the publication...

- Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
Volume 2, Issue 2 (2010) of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections is now available. The Journal still doesn't have its own website but the Table of Contents is available at:

- The Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
UA News The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, an electronic peer-reviewed journal, has been created out of a collaboration with UA faculty and the UA Libraries. By University Communications March 6, 2009 The University of Arizona Libraries...

- Brill Ancient Near East And Egypt Catalogue And Archive
Brill have announced their new online catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian publications. They have also announced that their journal archive will be available online: BRILL announces the launch of the BRILL journal archive online. Brill announces...

