Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections

Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections

Tables of Contents for this and other issues may be viewed online at:

The Editors of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections are pleased to announce the publication of JAEI 2:3.

This is a special issue dedicated to Maritime Interconnections between Egypt and surrounding areas.

JAEI 2:3 includes:

"Spatial Use of the 12th Dynasty Harbor at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis for the Seafaring Expeditions to Punt"
Kathryn A. Bard, Boston University, and Rodolfo Fattovich, University
of Naples “l’Orientale”

"Overland Boat Transportation during the Pharaonic Period: Archaeology and Iconography"
Pearce Paul Creasman, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, The University of Arizona, and
Noreen Doyle, Institute of Maritime Research and Discovery

"Ahhotep's Silver Ship Model: The Minoan Context" Shelley Wachsmann, Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Texas A&M University

"From River to Sea: Evidence for Egyptian Seafaring Ships"
Cheryl Ward, Coastal Carolina University

A review of Egypt and Cyprus in Antiquity: Proceedings of the International Conference, Nicosia
D. Michaelides, V. Kassianidou, and R. S. Merrillees, eds.

(Published December, 2009)

- Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections Vol 3, No.4
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- Jaei 3.3
Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections “Egyptian Gold in Prepalatial Crete? A Consideration of the Evidence” by Cynthia S. Colburn, Pepperdine University.“ ‘Stop, O Poison, that I May FindYour Name According to Your Aspect’: A Preliminary...

- Jaei Volume 3 2011
University of Arizona Publisher: The University of Arizona. The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections (JAEI) is a wholly online scholarly publication integrating Egyptian archaeology with Mediterranean, Near Eastern, and African studies—providing...

- The Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
UA News The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, an electronic peer-reviewed journal, has been created out of a collaboration with UA faculty and the UA Libraries. By University Communications March 6, 2009 The University of Arizona Libraries...

- More Re Wadi Gawasis Work by Cheryl Ward, who joined the Boston University and University of Naples l'Orientale team in December 2005, is to be published in the upcoming issue of the International Journal...

