KV57 Reopens

KV57 Reopens

The announcement that the tomb of Pharaoh Horemheb in the Valley of Kings has been reopened.


- New Albums On Egyptological
Photo Albums, Egyptological   We have posted some lovely Albums of photos recently on Egyptological.  Have a look at the above page.  We have had a Horemheb theme running, with photographs from his tomb at Saqqara and of objects from...

- Tomb Of Horemheb Open
Luxor News Blog Thanks very much to lovely Jane Akshar for posting that the tomb of Horemheb (KV57) has been re-opened in the Valley of the Kings. I have always wanted to see it. Luxor is looking very tempting this winter! Jane also reports that it looks...

- Discovery Channel - Kv63
http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060406/dcth065.html?.v=32A press release publicizing the Discovery Channel's investment in future science and exploration programmes, which also gives a brief mention to the fact that a programme re KV63 is currently under...

- The Pharaoh's Tomb
Perhaps the most visited tomb in the world the tomb of Tutankhamen in the valley of kings is by no means a grand affair compared to those of the other Pharaoh's buried in the valley. The tomb is to be conserved and there is the idea of closing the...

- Valley Of Kings.
No much new in the valley of Kings but Dr. Hawass has a few things to say. http://drhawass.com/blog/press-release-latest-news-valley-kings...

