Valley of Kings.

Valley of Kings.

No much new in the valley of Kings but Dr. Hawass has a few things to say.

- News From The Valley Of Kings
Over at Kate Phizackerley's Valley of Kings site there is an interesting conversation going on over her post Amarna Royal Tombs Project in the Valley of Kings. I myself have little hope that there is anything but broken pottery left in the valley...

- Sarcophagus In Tomb 31
Kate from the Valley of Kings is reporting the possible find of a sarcophagus in valley of kings tomb kv31....

- Kv57 Reopens
The announcement that the tomb of Pharaoh Horemheb in the Valley of Kings has been reopened.

- For His Father
Here an inscription left in the Valley of Kings by the Vizier Userhat.

- The Superstar
This is a rundown of Dr. Hawass's intentions for his excavations in the valley of kings. Though most is already known Dr. Hawass failed to mention that the anomaly now regarded as KV64 was found by "The Amarna Royal Tombs Project". Loved the photo...

