More on the Bosnian pyramids

More on the Bosnian pyramids
Mark Rose from Archaeology magazine has been following up a few enquiries of his own into the research taking place at the Bosnian pyramids: "Was Barakat there officially? What was his expertise? The news stories said that he was "sent by Cairo" (Reuters, June 5) and that he was an 'expert in pyramids' (Deutsche Presse-Agentur, June 2). Barakat, we were told, had sent his report to Zahi Hawass, secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, who had 'recommended him to the foundation leading the excavation work' (Agence France-Presse, June 12). Taking it all together, you might believe that Barakat had been dispatched by Dr. Hawass. Could that be true?
Unable to confirm any of this, I asked Dr. Hawass directly. Concerning Barakat, he states: 'Mr. Barakat, the Egyptian geologist working with Mr. Osmanagic, knows nothing about Egyptian pyramids. He was not sent by the SCA, and we do not support or concur with his statements'."
See the above page for the full article, together with a link to the letter from Mr Hawass.

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