Egyptian archaeologists to help with Bosnian pyramdis

Egyptian archaeologists to help with Bosnian pyramdis
"Approximately two years ago, American archaeologist Semir Osmanagich and his team made the astounding discovery of a series of pyramids in Bosnia.
Last Sunday, speaking at the Supreme Council of Culture, Bosnian-born Osmanagich called on Egyptian archaeologists and geologists to assist in excavating the pyramids and uncovering whether the pyramids are a product of man or nature. . . .
Osmanagich believes that the Egyptians with their long experience in the excavations of monuments, particularly of the Giza Pyramids, would be best-suited for the job. Likewise, the Egyptians are eager to go and assess Osmanagich's discovery first hand.
It is a good opportunity to cooperate with the experts of Bosnia in a new field like archaeology, said Anwar Ibrahim, first Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture.
Carrying a book by Osmanagich on the Bosnian pyramids in hand, he told The Daily Star Egypt that he would ask for permission to translate it into Arabic."

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