More on the Bosnian pyramids

More on the Bosnian pyramids (
I'm still not sure that I should be covering this story on this site, but still - it's a very slow news day today, and a number of visitors to the site have expressed interest, so here goes with the latest news. This article, from the UK's Telegraph broadsheet gives one of the sceptical views of the situation:
"It has spawned a T-shirt, souvenir and hotel industry, drawn thousands of visitors and volunteers every weekend, and become a rare symbol of national unity in a country riven by ruinous sectarian war. Last week, it won the backing of Unesco, the world's foremost educational and cultural body. There is just one thing missing from Bosnia's so-called Pyramid of the Sun, acclaimed by some as the most important archaeological discovery in Europe for more than a century - a pyramid.
Despite the fact that Semir Osmanagic, who claims to have discovered it, has no formal archaeological training and believes, among other things, that the South American Mayans descended from visitors from outer space, more people apparently want to believe his theory that Bosnia is home to giant pyramids than to debunk it."
See the above page for the rest of the story.

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