More on the Bosnian pyramids

More on the Bosnian pyramids (
I'm by no means sure that this blog is right the place to cover this item, but as a number of people have already emailed me about it, I thought I'd start adding the more informed of the news items covering the Bosnian pyramids, about which the archaeological community is sharply divided. The IOL website has quite an informative feature on the subject at the moment: "An Egyptian geologist who has joined Bosnian researchers unearthing what are thought to be Europe's first pyramids believes they bear similar hallmarks to the ancient structures in his homeland, an official said on Wednesday. Aly Abd Alla Barakat, of the Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority, believes large stone blocks found near Sarajevo were man-made and polished in the same way as the pyramids of Giza, said the Bosnian Pyramid Foundation's Mario Gerussi".

- Egyptian Archaeologists To Help With Bosnian Pyramdis"Approximately two years ago, American archaeologist Semir Osmanagich and his team made the astounding discovery of a series of pyramids in Bosnia. Last Sunday, speaking at the Supreme Council of...

- Saturday Trivia
Bosnians go mad for pyramids "While today's Bosnian papers are dominated by results of yesterday's elections, many readers will be skimming through to check for news of the pyramids....

- More On The Bosnian Pyramids Rose from Archaeology magazine has been following up a few enquiries of his own into the research taking place at the Bosnian pyramids: "Was Barakat there officially? What was his expertise?...

- Archaeology Magazine July/august The new edition of Archaeology is now available, and the website has been updated with some online content too, of which the following may be of interest. See the following URLs for the full accounts. Review:...

- Today's News
There's not much news today, but I've updated two of yesterday's news items with some more information that has since become available (the disputed re-dating of the eastern Mediterranean, and the Bosnian pyramids).CheersAndieEgyptology News...

