Today's News

Today's News

There's not much news today, but I've updated two of yesterday's news items with some more information that has since become available (the disputed re-dating of the eastern Mediterranean, and the Bosnian pyramids).

- Online Resources: Egyptology News Sources
Late last year I promised to do a list of all the best Egyptology news blogs and websites. These are the ones that I know of. Do let me know of any others. Egyptology News Andie Byrnes Updated several times a week. Links with sample paragraphs. Photo...

- Egyptian Archaeologists To Help With Bosnian Pyramdis"Approximately two years ago, American archaeologist Semir Osmanagich and his team made the astounding discovery of a series of pyramids in Bosnia. Last Sunday, speaking at the Supreme Council of...

- More On The Bosnian Pyramids ( I'm by no means sure that this blog is right the place to cover this item, but as a number of people have already emailed me about it, I thought I'd start adding the more informed of the news items covering...

- Saturday Trivia (bosnian Pyramids - Updated)
Bosnian Pyramids Not really trivia, but not very relevant to Egyptology either, so in the absence of any trivia this week, I've put the latest news re the Bosnian pyramids (three of them now, suggested by satellite photographs) in the trivia slot....

- More Updates To I have updated the site again as follows:Acheulean (updated)Nubian Sangoan (added)Elkabian of Elkab and Eastern Desert (updated)Tarifian (updated)Eastern Desert Early Neolithic: Tree Shelter and Sodmein Cave (added)Gilf Kebir Neolithic...

