Saturday Trivia (Bosnian Pyramids - UPDATED)

Saturday Trivia (Bosnian Pyramids - UPDATED)

Bosnian Pyramids
Not really trivia, but not very relevant to Egyptology either, so in the absence of any trivia this week, I've put the latest news re the Bosnian pyramids (three of them now, suggested by satellite photographs) in the trivia slot. The following links offer some insights into the story. Egyptian archaeologists are expected to travel out to inspect the discoveries in the coming weeks.
"Experts may be skeptical but an archaeologist's claims he has found Europe's first pyramid began attracting tourists to a town near Sarajevo. The town of Visoko is home to Europe's only pyramid, or at least that is what a Bosnian amateur archaeologist would like us believe, London's Independent wrote Friday. Whether the 45-year-old Semir Osmanagic is right or not, he has certainly started a craze. The man now known as the Balkan Indiana Jones said he believes there are pyramids under two nearby hills as well." (CBC)
"Scientists in the Bosnian city of Visoko have begun excavating a site that is believed to hold Europe's first known pyramids. The pyramids have not been uncovered yet, but satellite images of the area show three pyramid-shaped hills about 650 metres high. They have been named the Pyramids of the Sun, the Moon and the Dragon and are believed to be 2,000 years old. Early excavations show what appears to be a network of tunnels several kilometres long that connect the pyramids." (Yahoo! video)
Video footage of the Bosnian pyramid with excavator explaining the theory and the excavation plan - go to the above page and scroll down to the Video heading, on the bottom right.

UPDATED (the other side of the fence):
"Frenzied reporting of supposed pyramids in the Balkans ignores the truth and embraces the fantastic. The world's oldest and largest pyramid found in Bosnia? It sounds incredible. The story has swept the media, from the Associated Press and the BBC, from papers and websites in the U.S. to those in India and Australia. Too bad that it is not a credible story at all. In fact, it is impossible. Who is the "archaeologist" who has taken the media for a ride? Why did the media not check the story more carefully? ARCHAEOLOGY will address these questions in depth in our next issue, July/August, but for now let's at least put the lie to the claims emanating from Visoko, the town 20 miles northwest of Sarajevo where the 'Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun' is located."

See the above articles for more.

- Egyptian Archaeologists To Help With Bosnian Pyramdis"Approximately two years ago, American archaeologist Semir Osmanagich and his team made the astounding discovery of a series of pyramids in Bosnia. Last Sunday, speaking at the Supreme Council of...

- More On The Bosnian Pyramids Rose from Archaeology magazine has been following up a few enquiries of his own into the research taking place at the Bosnian pyramids: "Was Barakat there officially? What was his expertise?...

- More On The Bosnian Pyramids ('m still not sure that I should be covering this story on this site, but still - it's a very slow news day today, and a number of visitors to the site have expressed interest, so here goes with the latest...

- Archaeology Magazine July/august The new edition of Archaeology is now available, and the website has been updated with some online content too, of which the following may be of interest. See the following URLs for the full accounts. Review:...

- More On The Bosnian Pyramids ( I'm by no means sure that this blog is right the place to cover this item, but as a number of people have already emailed me about it, I thought I'd start adding the more informed of the news items covering...

