More on UCLA online encyclopaedia (UPDATED)

More on UCLA online encyclopaedia (UPDATED) (CNN)
"Frustrated with the poor quality of many Web sites dealing with ancient Egypt, a professor at the University of California has decided to create an online encyclopedia devoted to Egyptology.
Willemina Wendrich, a professor of Egyptian archaeology, had watched in dismay as the best resource for her subject, a seven-volume encyclopedia in German, got more and more out of date because of the prohibitive cost of updating it. Meanwhile, her students at UCLA were doing research for papers on the Internet, and being led astray. 'The Web has a lot of wonderful information, and a lot of horrible information,' she told Reuters in a telephone interview Thursday. The UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, which will go online in 2008, will be peer-reviewed and will update when there are new discoveries, Wendrich said. One version, in PDF format, will be available for free to anyone using the Web, while a second version, with a better search function and more graphics, will be available by subscription."
See the above website for full details.

UPDATE: Other sites also covering this story: (AScribe)

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