More re Wadi Gawasis

More re Wadi Gawasis
There have been quite a few follow-up pieces describing this project, but this one provides a really good summary: "Cheryl Ward of Florida State University offers this write-up of her findings in an exclusive to USA TODAY. Ship timbers from a mothballed Middle Kingdom industrial shipyard at Wadi Gawasis in Egypt provide the most ancient direct evidence for seafaring in complex watercraft anywhere in the world. In addition to marine incrustations and destruction by marine mollusks (shipworms), the technology and dimensions of hull components are consistent with what is expected of seagoing ships in the Middle Kingdom and offer unique testimony to the organization and achievement of the ancient Egyptian's sailing expeditions to Africa."
Photos accompanying the article are at:

Another summary of the find is on The Times, dated today, is at,,61-2071279,00.html

- Journal Of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
Tables of Contents for this and other issues may be viewed online at: The Editors of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections are pleased to announce the publication...

- Maritime Archaeologist At Helm Of Modern Journey To Ancient Egyptian Land
PhysOrg Ancient Egyptians may be best known for building pyramids, but internationally renowned maritime archaeologist Cheryl Ward wants the world to know that they were pretty good sailors, too. She ought to know. Ward, an associate professor of anthropology...

- Antiquity News From Egypt Magazine Summaries of the new finds at the Temple of Mut (the decorated lintel) and Marsa Gawasis: "Evidence pointed to the use of Marsa Gawasis as the port for voyages to punt from the early Middle Kingdom...

- More Re Wadi Gawasis item covering the find made by Boston University and the University of Naples l’Orientale, who uncovered remains of sea-faring ships and cargo boxes containing goods from the lost-land of Punt, in caves at...

- Sailing To Punt"The long-held belief that the Ancient Egyptians did not tend to travel long distances by sea because of poor naval technology proved fallacious last week when timbers, rigging and cedar planks were unearthed...

