News from the Theban Mapping Project

News from the Theban Mapping Project

Theban Mapping Project (Kent Weeks)

Thanks to Kate's News From the Valley of the Kings blog for the information that Kent Weeks has added an updated about KV5 to the TMP website, above 31 page document PDF format. I is dated to the end of March but like Kate I missed it.

For many of you, the most interesting activity this season will be the continued clearing of KV 5. After three seasons of difficult work, we have finally exposed the walls and floor of chamber 5, a room that we are now confident was used as a burial chamber for one of the sons of Rameses II. Unfortunately, we don’t know which son was buried there, but we now have a good idea what the scenes and text that once decorated its walls looked like, and we can identify the dramatic change its architecture underwent, perhaps when the son died unexpectedly. The results of our excavations are reviewed in the report that follows.

- Valley Of The Kings Undecorated Tombs Prelimnary Report
University of Basel Again, thanks to Kate's News from the Valley of the Kings for the above link to information about the 2011 season at undecorated tombs in the Valley of the Kings. With map and photos. Preliminary Report on the Work Performed...

- Report: Theban Mapping Project Progress Report
Theban Mapping Project (Kent Weeks) Also available as aPDF (management plan only, not the report on KV5) Kent Weeks reports on the work at KV5 and the development of a management plan for the Valley of the Kings. The section dealing with the management...

- Update On Kv5
Theban Mapping Project, KV5 Many thanks to Gary Maher for letting me know that the KV5 section on the Theban Mapping Project has been updated with an August 2008 progress report. The 2008 season of the Theban Mapping Project's work in Valley of the...

- Theban Mapping Project Website Updated
Theban Mapping Project (Kent Weeks) It is an absolute age since the TMP website was updated with any information about what is happening in the Valley of the Kings and neighbouring areas (over a year, according to this progress reports by Kent Weeks)....

- Theban Mapping Project And Kv5,13026,1342400,00.html An article in the UK Guardian broadsheet about Kent Weeks and his work in the Valley of the Kings. It discusses the Theban Mapping Project, the discovery and excavation of KV5, and...

