Valley of the Kings undecorated tombs prelimnary report

Valley of the Kings undecorated tombs prelimnary report

University of Basel

Again, thanks to Kate's News from the Valley of the Kings for the above link to information about the 2011 season at undecorated tombs in the Valley of the Kings. With map and photos.

Preliminary Report on the Work Performed During the Season 2011 in the undecorated tombs KV 26, KV 29, KV 30, KV 31, KV 37, KV 40, KV 59.

This season started on January 07th, 2011, and is currently (February 20) still going on. [1] The work is being effectively supported by the representative of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Mr. Ahmed Yaseen. [2]

The main tasks during this season are the following:

1. Clearing of the tombs KV 29 and KV 40 was started.
2. KV 29 and KV 40 were covered with an iron door.
3. Clearing of the chamber in KV 59.
4. Documenting of finds from earlier seasons.
5. New feature was discovered on the north side of KV 40.

Undecorated tombs are numerous in the Valley of the Kings and most of them can be dated to the Eighteenth Dynasty, more precisely to the Tuthmoside period, according to their architecture and situation in the Valley.

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