No news today / blog update

No news today / blog update

It's always a quiet time of the year on the Egyptology news front, but it's unusual not to find anything at all to post about. Today, apart from some repetitive pieces on the Ramesses II statue move, is one of those unusual days, so I'll fill the gap by announcing that I'm away from 31st August to 12th September, inclusive. I have no idea whether or not I will have Internet access, so I may be unable to update the blog. Apologies in advance should that be the case, and I will of course update it on my return.
All the best

- Daily Photo - Ankh Amulet And Mould At The Petrie
There's no blog update today because I am rushing up to town, but I'll update again tomorrow morning. I don't think that we're missing much - it all seems very quiet in the world of public-facing Egyptology today. Here's a rather nice...

- Blog Updates
I am off to Wales for a few days as from today (as you can see from the picture, just about as unlike Egypt as possible!), but I will be back by the end of the week. Depending on how I get on with the dial-up connection when I get there (it is usually...

- Update Re Egyptology News Services
Luxor News big welcome back to Jane Akshar and her Luxor News blog, after her holiday. Jane, you were much missed! To see her Egyptian husband's main insights into life in the UK after his first visit, see her...

- Blog Updates
Apologies for the late posting of the weekend's news - I had to go away unexpectedly. At the same time, my Internet access is going to be interrupted from Wednesday this week, through to Tuesday next week, and it may be impossible to update the site...

- Apologies!!
A complete technical breakdown in the wilds of rural north Wales, and I found myself without an Internet connection for four days - so apologies that the blog has not been updated since last week. I will update it today with news items from the last few...

