One Entrance, Two Paths: The Noble and Service Routes in the Great Pyramid

One Entrance, Two Paths: The Noble and Service Routes in the Great Pyramid

Em Hotep (Keith Payne)

Follow Pharaoh Khufu’s funeral procession into the Great Pyramid where we learn the layout of the two very different routes to the King’s Chamber—one used by the workers in the construction of the vast monument, and one created for the sole purpose of the king’s last journey from his Valley Temple to the burial room.

This is the seventh article in a series based on Marc Chartier’s discussions with Jean-Pierre Houdin following the premier of Khufu Reborn, the long awaited revelation of the second chapter of Project Khufu. These articles are provided in English to Em Hotep via special arrangement with Marc Chartier/Pyramidales, Jean-Pierre Houdin and the Project Khufu team at Dassault Systèmes.

- Hemienu To Houdin
Em Hotep! (Keith Payne) For those of you who are following Keith's excellent series about pyramid construction the third part of his Hemienu to Houdin set is now available at the above address: Hemienu to Houdin: Phase One, Part C—The Inner Workings...

- Hemienu To Houdin: Phase One, Part B
Em Hotep (Keith Payne) The second part of Keith's article Hemienu to Houdin, part of a superbly illustrated series looking at different theories of pyramid construction. Part A can be found here. In Hemienu to Houdin: Phase One, Part A, we looked...

- Hemienu To Houdin
Em Hotep (Keith Payne) Another excellent piece from Keith Payne, stuffed full of diagrams and photographs. Most theories of how the Great Pyramid of Khufu was built agree that some sort of external ramp was required, even if an external ramp alone would...

- Book Review: The Secret Of The Great Pyramid
Publishers Weekly The Secret of the Great Pyramid: How One Man’s Obsession Led to the Solution of Ancient Egypt’s Greatest Mystery by Bob Brier and Jean-Pierre Houdin. Collins/ Smithsonian Since its construction 4,500 years ago for Pharaoh Khufu,...

- More Re Great Pyramid Construction Theory excellent computer models accompany this article which again reviews the theory proposed by French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin, which suggests that the pyramid of Khufu was built...

