Prof finds insight into Egyptians in dead language

Prof finds insight into Egyptians in dead language
A short piece about Gene Cruz Uribe, a professor at the Northern Arizona University whose speciality is the translation of Demotic graffiti: "The people who left their marks in the first century at tombs dating from 1400 to 1100 B.C. were part tourist, part pilgrim, Cruz Uribe said, but they were nothing like the tourists or pilgrims of today".

- The Persian Presence At Qasr El-ghuieta, Egypt
The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies Another paper found whilst looking for something else entirely, in case it is of interest to visitors: The Persian presence at Qasr el-Ghuieta, Egypt By Eugene Cruz-Uribe Northern Arizona University In studying the...

- Journal Of Near Eastern Studies April 2009
Chicago Journals The recent issue includes a couple of book reviews on Egyptian subjects that might be of interest, listed below, but the entire table of contents is shown on the above page. Sabine Schrenk, Textiles in Situ: Their Find Spots in Egypt...

- News About The Journal Of The American Research Center In Egypt
ARCE Thanks to Eugene Cruz-Uribe for the news that he has taken over as Editor of the JARCE. He took over this position late this summer from Charles Van Siclen who has been acting editor for his efforts. The current status of the journal is as follows:...

- Recent Publication: Hibis Temple Project, Volume Iii
Thanks very much to Eugene Cruz-Uribe for letting me know of his recent publication Hibis Temple Project Vol III, The Graffiti from the Temple Precinct (San Antonio: Van Sicklen, 2008), which deals with the various pictoral and figurative graffiti found...

- Journal Of Near Eastern Studies - April 2007 The latest issue of the Journal of Near Eastern Studies (April 2007 , Volume 66, Number 2) is now out, containing the following pieces that are relevant to Ancient Egypt. See the above page...

