Quarryscapes website updated

Quarryscapes website updated

This is a completely fascinating website describing a conservation project that is dedicated to the ancient quarries of the Eastern Mediterranean. The above news item focuses on a survey the remarkable Faiyum projects in Egypt, Widan el Faras (basalt) and Umm es-sawan (gypsum). The site is full of great information and excellent photos, with a description of what the project is about, another on what value the study of quarries brings to our knowledge of a given region, and a section dedicated to the Egyptian quarries at Aswan, and the southeastern Western Desert. The Eastern Desert and Nile Valley pages have yet to be updated, but there is a useful page looking at the application of GIS to quarryscapes in Egypt.
See the above site for more, and thanks to Per Storemyr for bringing it to my attention.

- Palaeolithic Rock Art On The Verge Of Destruction.
Archaeology and Conservation Services Per Stormyr of the excellent Quarryscapes project sent me this article, and it is yet another vile piece of news from Egypt about the destruction of heritage. Please share, forward and otherwise publicize this...

- Ancient Egyptian Quarries Literature Update
Archaeology and Conservation Services (Per Storemyr) Thanks to Per Storemyr for letting me know that his list of literature about ancient Egyptian quarries has been updated. This is a great resource for anyone interested in the topic of stone quarrying...

- Fayoum's Ancient Quarry Under Threat
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/788/hr1.htmAl Ahram Weekly is featuring the risk to one of Egypt's ancient stone quarrying areas (one of two such quarries known from the Faiyum Depression) which also contains the world's oldest known road and...

- More Updates To Predynastic.com
www.predynastic.com I have updated the site again as follows:Acheulean (updated)Nubian Sangoan (added)Elkabian of Elkab and Eastern Desert (updated)Tarifian (updated)Eastern Desert Early Neolithic: Tree Shelter and Sodmein Cave (added)Gilf Kebir Neolithic...

- Deir Al-bersha 2004 Season
http://millennium.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/bersha/ The Deir al-Bersha website has been updated with details of its 2004 season focusing on Zones 2, 4, 7 and 9. Details of both the 2002 and 3003 seasons are also posted on the site, and there is a good overall...

