SL Temple of Amun

SL Temple of Amun

Second Life News

Article about a Second Life version of an Egyptian temple. Second Life is an online community which aims to create 3-D experiences.

Visitors can step back in time at the newly opened Temple of Amun ( ).

Tours are being offered every Saturday at 7 a.m. SLT by the Museum Director and real life Egyptologist, Jachmes Masala. The tour takes approximately 1 ½ hours and is packed with information.

A local god of Thebes, Amun rose to prominence during Egypt’s New Kingdom (1539 – 1295 BC). The temple complex at Karnak, located just north of present day Luxor, Egypt, underwent expansion and modification during the reign of Kings Amenophis III (1390-1352 BC) and Ramses II (1279-1213 BC). In the Roman period, the temple was used as a military garrison. The Temple of Amun in SL recreates the temple as it might have been during the time of Ramses II.

Statues of Ramses II stand guard over the entrance gate. A mural shows the battle of Qadesh, where Ramses II fought the Hittites. It is believed that this was the largest chariot battle fought, with over 5,000 chariots in use to support the foot solders.

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