The Carnarvon Collection

The Carnarvon Collection

Here is a short video on the collection of Egyptian artifacts at Highclere castle. Dr. Zahi Hawass has indicated he wants them returned to Egypt.

- Hk's Discovering King Tut Part 5
Heritage Key (Malcolm Jack) With videos and an excellent photo of Lord and Lady Carnarvon on a visit to Egypt in 1921. The fifth and final instalment of Discovering King Tut has now been posted on Heritage Key. It signed off the fantastic videos series...

- Exhibition: Carnarvon, Highclere Castle, Uk
Discovery Channel News (Rossella Lorenzi) Lord Carnarvon, the man who funded the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun and died five months later in mysterious circumstances before he could actually see the mummy's face, was a superstitious man who...

- Tale Of Tutankhamun Treasures Recreated
Basingstoke Gazette (Chris Gregory) THE discovery of a famous Egyptian mummy is the focus of a dramatic new exhibition at Highclere Castle. The new display tells the story of how, in the 1920s, the fifth Earl of Carnarvon and archaeologist Howard Carter...

- Hawass Asks For Carnarvon Artefacts To Be Returned
Times Online Egypt’s most prominent archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, called yesterday on the descendants of the British aristocrat who found Tutankhamun’s tomb to return the remnants of his collection to Cairo. Dr Hawass insisted that many of the objects...

- Saving Highclere Castle

