The Dog Catacombs

The Dog Catacombs

This article has a picture though that is rather pathetic, the article is a brief overview of catacombs containing millions(?) of dog mummies. The catacombs were mentioned in 1897 by the famous french archaeologist Jacques De Morgan who included the catacombs on a map.

- Photographs Of Discovery Of Puppy Mummies
National Geographic Photographs on the above page. As part of the first full excavation of Egypt's ancient Dog Catacombs, scientists examine 2,500-year-old animal remains—a small sample of the roughly eight million animal mummies in these tunnels....

- Millions Of Canine Mummies Revealed At Saqqara
LiveScience (Wynne Parry) The excavation of a labyrinth of tunnels beneath the Egyptian desert has revealed the remains of millions of animals, mostly dogs and jackals. Many appear to have been only hours or days old when they were killed and mummified....

- Kom El-shuqafa Catacombs guide Zahraa Adel Awed has updated his Alexandria News blog with a short introduction to the catacombs, and has provided links to a three part article about them which have some excellent plans, diagrams...

- Tuna El Gebel
Here is a picture of the catacombs of Tuna el Gebel.

- The Predecessors Of Cleopatra Vii
Built by Ptolemy II these catacombs if they do contain royal burials most likely will contain Cleopatra VII's predecessors and not herself and very unlikely Mark Antony.

