Kom El-Shuqafa catacombs

Kom El-Shuqafa catacombs

Travel guide Zahraa Adel Awed has updated his Alexandria News blog with a short introduction to the catacombs, and has provided links to a three part article about them which have some excellent plans, diagrams and photographs: "The catacombs of Kom El-Shuqafa which date from the second century A.D. are unique both for their plan and for their decoration which is a mixture of Egyptian and Greco-Roman elements. Excavation in the site started in 1892 but catacombs were not found until 1900 when by mere chance the falling of donkey drawing a cart in a pit led to their discovery of Kom El-Shuqafa which date from the second century A.D."

- Photographs Of Discovery Of Puppy Mummies
National Geographic Photographs on the above page. As part of the first full excavation of Egypt's ancient Dog Catacombs, scientists examine 2,500-year-old animal remains—a small sample of the roughly eight million animal mummies in these tunnels....

- Amended Fees For Alexandria Sites
http://www.touregypt.net/teblog/alexandrianews/?p=106 Amended entrance fees for sites in Alexandria are listed on Zahraa Adel Awed's Alexandria News Blog at the above address.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Doggy Mummies
The good folks at National Geographic have finally added some images of the catacombs that some say contain millions of dog mummies dedicated to the god Anubis. The pictures certainly demonstrate why the catacombs probably interested Jacques De Morgan...

- The Dog Catacombs
This article has a picture though that is rather pathetic, the article is a brief overview of catacombs containing millions(?) of dog mummies. The catacombs were mentioned in 1897 by the famous french archaeologist Jacques De Morgan who included the catacombs...

- Tuna El Gebel
Here is a picture of the catacombs of Tuna el Gebel. http://drhawass.com/photoblog/catacombs-tuna-el-gebel...

