Tuna El Gebel

Tuna El Gebel

Here is a picture of the catacombs of Tuna el Gebel.


- Insecurity Adds To Egypt Antiquities’ Vulnerability
The Egyptian Gazette With a primitive gun and a street dog, Ahmed Mohamed continues to guard the Tuna el-Gabal archaeological site, that extends for some eight square kilometres in the desert of Minya in Upper Egypt. Following the January 25 revolution,...

- Daily Photo By Tony Marson
. > This week's photos are supplied by Tony Marson, with many thanks. This photo makes me particularly envious because I haven't yet managed to get to Gebel Silsila and I would very much like to do so! Remnants of Nomarch's Tomb Gebel...

- King Tut Was The Son Of Akhenaten
Al Ahram Weekly (Zahi Hawass) I had an exceptional adventure recently. It was at a site in Middle Egypt known as Al-Ashmunein, known in Greek as Hermopolis after the Greek god Hermes, and known to the ancient Egyptians as Thoth, the god of wisdom. The...

- Doggy Mummies
The good folks at National Geographic have finally added some images of the catacombs that some say contain millions of dog mummies dedicated to the god Anubis. The pictures certainly demonstrate why the catacombs probably interested Jacques De Morgan...

- The Dog Catacombs
This article has a picture though that is rather pathetic, the article is a brief overview of catacombs containing millions(?) of dog mummies. The catacombs were mentioned in 1897 by the famous french archaeologist Jacques De Morgan who included the catacombs...

