The Tomb of Userhat TT56

The Tomb of Userhat TT56

Another wonderful tomb from Osirisnet.

- New On Osirisnet - Tt60 And Tt83
Osirisnet - Home page (English and French versions) Osirisnet - TT60 Osirisnet - TT83 Dear friends We have the great pleasure to present to you the tomb TT60, classically assigned to the vizier Antefoqer, but which actually belongs to the lady Senet,...

- Osirisnet Updated Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for the news that a second tomb from El Amarna is now online on the Osirisnet website : The tomb of Ay, dating back to the time when he was still only a courtier.

- Osirisnet - New Features
Thierry Benderitter has updated the OsirisNet website with full descriptions and photographs of the following tombs:1) the tomb of Ay KV 23 In French: In English:

- El Kab Site Updated
The following is taken from Tony Cagle's Archaeoblog at "Thierry Benderitter has put up some new pages on his El Kab site:The tomb of Paheri: . This...

- The Tomb Of Roy

