The Tunnels of Giza

The Tunnels of Giza

Your publicity machine is working well when you have the good doctor Zahi Hawass commenting on your new books theory.

- More Photos From The Tomb Of Rudj-ka
Hawass Facebook (Zahi Hawass) Zahi Hawass has placed a good collection of photographs from the newly uncovered tomb on his Facebook site at the above page. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Friends Of The Giza Geomatrix Team
This is another article from Dr. Zahi Hawass' "Dig Days" series this time the doctor is back on the pyromidiots, in particular those with the "Friends of the Giza Geomatrix Team" who according to Dr. Hawass are making claims of having done ground...

- Those Pyramidiots
This is an article from Dr. Zahi Hawass's series "Dig Days", the doctor discusses those people who believe that a secret will be unveiled in 2012 at Giza and Al- Lahoun that will save the world....

- Dr. Hawass Does His Job

- Pointing Fingers
Here is another Dig Days article from Dr. Zahi Hawass about amateur Egyptologists and though much of what the fine doctor says is true he also points to his discovery of the mummy of Hatshepsut and points out that discovery channel made mistakes in its...

