Tut's Family

Tut's Family

This is an announcement that there will be a press conference on Wednesday to announce the results of the tests on the royal mummies particularly with those related to king Tutankhamen.

- More On The Tutankhamun/ Akhenaten Dna Debate
Dylan Bickerstaffe's Exploring Ancient Lands Thanks to Kate Phizackerly for linking to Dylan Bickerstaff's article. As regular visitors to this blog will know, Kate challenged the identification of the KV55 mummy as Akhenaten. In Kate's words...

- Egypt To Dna-test 2 Fetuses From King Tut's Tomb
You would have to have fallen off the face of the web to have missed this story. Kat has sent me ten links (for which huge thanks), EEF covered it in a "breaking news" post yesterday, and lots of other people have emailed me with the story. It is one...

- Dna Tests May Id Mummy As Pharaoh Tuthmosis
State Information Service The Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) decided to conduct laboratory tests on one of the unknown mummies in the tomb of King "Citi I" with the purpose of determining whether it belongs to the King Thutmose I or not. This came...

- Tutankhamen Unwrapped
This is an excellent set of Video's by Discovery on the tests that have been going on examining the royal mummies. Remarkable are the images of the two mummies from tomb Kv21 as well as the results which show much of the Amarna royal family has been...

- Egyptology In The Near Future
Dr Zahi Hawass is announcing that there will be a number of new discoveries revealed in the next few months including discoveries at Saqqara. He also says he has also granted permission for a robot to enter the great pyramid to explore the shafts. Dr....

