UNESCO relaxes its rules - again - this time in Turkey

UNESCO relaxes its rules - again - this time in Turkey

Hurriyet Daily News

Although this does not concern Egypt directly I thought that this story was particularly useful in the light of Caroline Simpson's recent paper about Qurna on the west bank of Luxor (Theban Blindness - the Case of Qurna). UNESCO made all sorts of rulings and recommendations which were ignored by Egypt - but Egypt has not been in any way penalized. It is difficult to see the value of either such status awards or such rulings if countries are allowed to ignore regulations but are permitted to maintain their privileged status.

UNESCO’s decision not to remove Istanbul from its World Heritage List is a win for the city, but should not excuse complacency in protecting its historical sites, experts said after the decision was made public Friday.

“Having not been excluded from the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List, after all the mistakes we have made, once more shows Istanbul’s value,” Tayfun Kahraman, chairman of the Istanbul Chamber of Urban Planners, told the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review on Friday, adding that the decision came as a surprise to him, but was very good news for Turkey.

- More Re Unesco Assistance For Egypt
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) During a meeting held yesterday at the Supreme Council of Antiquities’ (SCA) offices, the director of UNESCO’s cultural department Tamara Twinasky announced UNESCO’s full collaboration with the SCA to restore and preserve...

- Unesco Thanked Egypt For Its “great” Efforts To Develop Luxor
Luxor News (Jane Akshar) from Dr Samir Farag press office: UNESCO sent thanks to the Egyptian government for its efforts to develop the city of Luxor which consider one of the most important world heritage sites and what is being implemented on its territory...

- Unesco World Heritage Sites
http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/01/16/news/trherit.php?rssOne of the International Herald Tribune's multi page reviews of an international heritage issue. This looks at the role of Unesco, the relative value of adding more sites to the list, and...

- Unesco 60th Birthday
http://www.gorkhapatra.org.np/pageloader.php?file=2005/11/20/nation/nation1"UNESCO, the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organisation, marked its 60th anniversary last week (on Wednesday 16 November) with a call for world peace and the respect of...

- Waste Of Space
Those brown nosers at UNESCO have sent one of their own on another fact finding mission to Luxor, Egypt. World class indeed you can imagine the champagne magazine at Luxor was well stocked for this showboat. The UNESCO official praised the restoration...

