Video: Iowa mummies prepared for CT Scans

Video: Iowa mummies prepared for CT Scans

WQAD (video)
WQAD (text)
A short video, preceded by an advert, showing the two Iowa mummies being prepared for the CT Scan, with musum and hospital staff shown talking about the mummies and the way in which information from the scans will be used to enhance exhibits in the future.

- Mummy Murder Mystery Deepens After Scans (David Crabtree) With photograph of scan. Amazing new pictures have been released of attempts to unravel a 1,700-year-old murder mystery. But even state-of-the-art 21st century techniques have been foiled by the case. Three Egyptian mummies from...

- Putnam Museum Hopes Scans Will Tell More About 2 Mummies
WCF Courier The Putnam Museum is sending two of its mummies on a field trip in hopes of learning more about their history.The mummies, described as among the Davenport museum's most prized and popular possessions, will be carefully removed from their...

- More Re Tomb Of Henu's a short but enjoyable video clip of the tomb of Henu (preceded, inevitably, by an annoying advert) on the above page. The link to the video is under the photograph.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Cancer Rare In Mummies

- Lady Hor Becomes Mr. Hor
More on the Egyptian mummies from the Brooklyn museum and their CT scans.

