Blog update

Blog update

Just a quick note to let you know that I am away for the weekend but that normal service will be resumed on Monday.

Best wishes

- Interruption To Normal Service
Apologies for the interruption to normal service. It has been a surprisingly busy few days! The blog will be resumed either this evening or tomorrow morning. Kind regards AndieEgyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- More Technical Problems
No blog update today, thanks to more technical hitches. Also, I am away for the weekend so I won't be updating the blog until Monday or Tuesday. For those of you in the UK have a happy bank holiday weekend. Cheers AndieEgyptology News Blog, Andie...

- Blog Update
Hello to all Thanks very much indeed for the comments, emails etc - all much appreciated! I've updated the blog back until the 21st December (they start after the last "Blog Update" which is easy to find by looking for my over-the-top Christmas tree...

- Blog Updates
Just a quick post to let you know that I will be in Wales for the next few days. I should have email and Web access, so I am hoping to be able to update the Blog, but it will probably be done every other day. If the blog isn't updated, it will be...

- Back Again
I'm back in London, and have resumed my usual happy status of being cuddled up to my broadband connection. Catch-up posts are below, and normal service will be resumed as from tomorrow. I hope that those of you celebrating Christmas had a great time...

