Daily Photo - Sahara Satellite Image

Daily Photo - Sahara Satellite Image

A gorgeous photograph of the Sahara desert. Click on the image to go to the Wikipedia version, where you can see the full sized image and zoom in on certain areas. The Nile is a great green snake to the east, and the Saharan highland zones stand out particularly well, including Gilf and Uweinat in Egypt.

- Updated Publication: Rock Art Of The Libyan Desert (dvd)
FJ Expeditions The Second Expanded Edition of the DVD "Rock Art of the Libyan Desert" is now available. The new edition contains over nearly 300 new rock art sites, all new discoveries in the 2005-2009 period, with approximately 12000 photos (about 4000...

- Photo - Overview Of Taposiris Magna
drhawass.com A photograph showing a great overview of the site. Includes two links to other Taposiris Magna images. Click on the image below to go to the full-sized photograph. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo - Last Set Of Satellite Photos
And yet more. I am rather partial to satellite views. These are from The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth website. The last lot, I promise! Click on the link beneath the image to go to the page where the full sized image is shown, together with...

- Another Old Photo With A Fighter Plane
dailystaregypt.com I love these unusal photographs of famous monuments. This one is on the Daily Star website. Click the small image to see the full sized photograph, on the Daily Star site.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo: Eastern Desert Rock Art
As a nod to the rock art research mentioned above at Dakhleh Oasis in the Western Desert, here are some photographs of rock art in the Eastern Desert - a very different kettle of fish! For a start, except for one known image, all of the rock art in the...

