Dr. Hawass Steps into Deep Doo

Dr. Hawass Steps into Deep Doo

Dr. Hawass is reexplaining comments he made that have been taken out of context. The state of Israel must take the reputation it has earned and live with it, this state is after all the Goliath in this battle.


- Update On The State Of The Egyptian Museum
drhawass.com (Zahi Hawass) The museum has now re-opened and visitors are beginning to return. In this piece Hawass looks at the current state of the museum, and offers his take on how it was broken into. I am pleased to report that visitors are coming...

- Hawass Denies Being Anti-semitic
drhawass.com (Zahi Hawass) It has come to my attention that questions about my views on Jewish heritage were raised during a recent interview I gave at the History Channel. It seems that several people had written in with comments suggesting that I am...

- News From The Sca
Zahi Hawass has been given the position of Deputy Culture Minister. This is probably the least surprising news of the week, following the interview in which Hawass announced that when his tenure came to an end next year as Secretary General of the SCA...

- More On Unesco Involvement In Returning Artefacts
http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1121653128613 Nothing much new in this article, which blends the UNESCO intervention and the Hawass threat to the Fitzwilliam and Leuven stories, except for a bit at the...

- Whats Up At Egypt's Ministry Of Culture?
Since 1987 the ministry of culture has been headed by an abstract painter Farouk Hosny who recently had been a candidate to the job of UNESCO director general. A job he lost most likely over remarks he made in 2008 in the Egyptian parliament where he...

