Facts about ancient Egypt

Facts about ancient Egypt

The Telegraph

A bullet pointed list of some facts and almost-facts from ancient Egypt. For example:

• Why does the Sphinx have no nose? Legend says Napoleon's army used it as target practice. The truth is it was wrecked 500 years before by Mohammed Sa'im al-Dahr, a Sufi fanatic.

• In the 1800s, some people believed pyramids could focus invisible forces, preserving dead bodies and even sharpening blunt razor blades. A Czech engineer, Karel Drbal, even patented the idea - in 1959!

• Napoleon's engineers told him the stones of the Great Pyramid would build a one-metre wall around France. Cut into 6cm rods, they'd reach the Moon.

Many of them are great fun - I particularly like the following:

King Charles II would collect the dust that fell off mummies. He used it on his skin, believing the "greatness" would rub off

- The Missing Nose Of The Sphinx
Heritage Key (Prad Patel) See below for an exerpt from Prad Patel's article (full story on the above link) but I just thought I would mention that in her paper "Ancient Egypt in America" (In Meskell's "Archaeology Under Fire" 1998) Ann Macy Roth...

- Book: Egypt's Great Pyramid
American Chronicle (James Wood) This page is basically an author (James Wood, retired trial lawyer) publicizing his own self-published book Egypt´s Great Pyramid of Knowledge (2007, Author House) We may sometimes classify misunderstood facts as being...

- Book Review: Mirage
The Canadian Press Mirage - Napoleon's Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt by Nina Burleigh (Harper) Napoleon Bonaparte had an idea for winning the hearts and minds of the Muslim people he invaded: He told the Egyptians that he and his army wanted...

- Travel: A Visit To Cairo
http://www.moneycontrol.com/india/news/travel/egypts-alluring-siren-song-/282284 "A set of three pyramids with the tallest being built by King Cheops and known as the Great Pyramid. When you finally see the Great Pyramid, one is left speechless because...

- Experiencing The Great Pyramid
http://news.ft.com/cms/s/95cbb922-ebb4-11da-b3e2-0000779e2340.html A feature on the Financial Times website about the Great Pyramid of Giza: "Life and death were addressed explicitly in the art of the pharaohs. The granite slab was the final resting place...

