Fundraising event on E-Bay for Egypt Exploration Society

Fundraising event on E-Bay for Egypt Exploration Society

More than 900 Egyptology books were donated to the Egypt Exploration Society (EES) earlier this year by Mrs Edwina Iredale. Many of the titles can already be found in the Society's library and EES have decided to sell the duplicates to raise funds for the purchase of new books. A selection has already appeared on eBay and more will be added in the next few days. See the Society's eBay profile for details:

- Petrie Images On Flickr
Egypt Exploration Society Not to be missed!  These photos are super. The EES Lucy Gura Archive contains numerous photographs from the digs of Flinders Petrie, the Society's first excavator, and the most prolific. In his 42 year career, Petrie...

- Appointment Of Chris Naunton As The Next Director Of The Ees.
Egypt Exploration Society Sincere congratulations and good wishes to Chris Naunton: We are pleased to announce that the current Deputy Director, Chris Naunton, has been appointed to succeed Dr Patricia Spencer as Director of the Egypt Exploration Society....

- Dr Patricia Spencer Retires From Ees
Egypt Exploration Society (Patrica Spencer) Dear Members, At the end of 2011 I shall be retiring as Director of the Egypt Exploration Society, a post which I have been honoured to hold for 28 years - though with a succession of different job titles! ...

- Report On A Survey Of Mudbrick Buildings
The Egypt Exploration Society Following the announcement of the 2010 Centenary Awards (see here), we are delighted to present a report from Maria Correas-Amador on fieldwork undertaken earlier this year thanks to a grant made from the Centenary Fund...

- Amarna Princess Head For Sale "A rare Mansoor portrait sculpture of an 18th dynasty Amarna Princess [ca 1363-1364 B.C.] goes live on eBay, the world’s largest online marketplace. . . . This princess head is in nearly perfect condition, the...

