Photo for Today, and update

Photo for Today, and update

Deir el Medina,
looking towards the Ptolemaic Temple of Hathor

I tried to go up higher for this and other photos but I was
removed firmly from my spot by a guard.

With 161 news items saved in my Blog folder it is going to take longer than usual to pull together the archive of stories from the last couple of weeks. Today's is the first batch, but I'll be adding more in the days to come.

Aayko Emya, who founded and runs the invaluable Egyptologists Electronic Forum, gave me permission to report on some of the stories that have been posted to the Forum. Thanks Aayko. I will be summarising some of the older reports but if you want to keep up to date with the news as it comes in you will neeed to subscribe to EEF.

Thanks very much for the comments and emails. I've been up in Wales for a bit of R & R and got back to London yesterday. My eyes are still not right, and I still cannot wear contact lenses, but the dreadful light sensitivity has diminished substantially and I can now use a computer screen for periods at a time so I should be able to catch up within a few days.

On a personal note has anyone had their eyes laser-corrected? I am planning to get mine done in a couple of months time, just as soon as my doctor says that my eyes are fit, and I would be very interested to know of the experiences of anyone who has had theirs done, and hear any advice that you might have for me. andie [at] oddthing. co .uk

For those of you in the UK who, like me, didn't realize it until a friend mentioned it - the clocks went forward today!

- Blog Updates
Thanks a million to everyone who emailed with news items whilst I was away. I have now read all the emails and on the posts below you fill find a round up of the news stories that were waiting in my Inbox. I still haven't been through my RSS aggregator...

- Back To Autumnal London
It was a pretty drive back. Even the motorways were flanked by vistas of Autumnal leaf change. The colours were marvellous in the bright sunshine. My house was still standing patiently where I left it, but I had so much post that I had to fight with the...

- Andie Update
As the blog is being maintained very efficiently by Ben this is not so much of a "blog update" as an Andie update! Hopefully I will be able to stop imposing so much on Ben in the next few weeks and start posting again so that he can use his valuable time...

- Blog Update
Hi to all First of all, a HUGE thanks to Ben Morales-Correa for picking things up where I left off, particularly as I gave him no notice and I was away for much longer than I originally planned. Many many thanks also to Kat Newkirk, as ever, for continuing...

- Blog Update
Hi to all As I posted yesterday, I'm back in the UK after a terrific week away with some really great people, visiting some parts of Egypt that I have never been lucky enough to experience before. I will post the photographs online when I have finished...

