Posting Update

Posting Update

See the previous six or seven items, posted in the last few minutes late on Saturday night UK time. However, I am delivering a talk on early Egyptian agriculture on Sunday at an Egyptology open-day, and am going to stay to listen to the other speakers for the full day. I won't be back until late, so I won't be updating the blog on Sunday 3rd July. I've posted some late items from Saturday, but my next posting will now be on Monday. Apologies for any inconvenience

Kind regards


- Twitter
For those who would like to keep up to date with important Egyptology news stories as they happen, I now post the most important news items as they come in, to my Twitter account.  There are no book or exhibition reviews, and any minor items are...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun Leaves Dallas
The Dallas Morning News The boy king has been encamped at the Dallas Museum of Art since October, but for his last hurrah, the DMA is keeping the show open Friday until midnight and staying open continuously to offer "34 Hours of Tut" from Saturday at...

- Blog Updates - Thursday To Sunday
Hi to all Just to let you know that I am off to Wales until Sunday. If the dial-up connection is any more efficient than it has been on previous occasions I will update the blog - otherwise it will be done on Sunday night or Monday morning, and will be...

- Blog Update
Hi to all As I posted yesterday, I'm back in the UK after a terrific week away with some really great people, visiting some parts of Egypt that I have never been lucky enough to experience before. I will post the photographs online when I have finished...

- Blog Updates
Apologies for the late posting of the weekend's news - I had to go away unexpectedly. At the same time, my Internet access is going to be interrupted from Wednesday this week, through to Tuesday next week, and it may be impossible to update the site...

