Blog Updates - Thursday to Sunday

Blog Updates - Thursday to Sunday

Hi to all

Just to let you know that I am off to Wales until Sunday. If the dial-up connection is any more efficient than it has been on previous occasions I will update the blog - otherwise it will be done on Sunday night or Monday morning, and will be backdated as usual.

I will also be somewhat technology-deprived for two weeks from mid October (I will post the exact dates nearer the time).

If anyone out there is mad enough to want to take over during my occasional absences, I would welcome you with open arms. It's a fairly straight forward format, as you can see - I post extracts from longer articles in block quote, and link back to them so that visitors can go to the original page to read more if they want to.

Kind regards


- Blog Updates
Just a quick note to say that my father came down to visit on Wednesday and is going back on Sunday. I thought I might have the time to update the blog but we have been so busy that I haven't had the chance and will probably not have the opportunity...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun Leaves Dallas
The Dallas Morning News The boy king has been encamped at the Dallas Museum of Art since October, but for his last hurrah, the DMA is keeping the show open Friday until midnight and staying open continuously to offer "34 Hours of Tut" from Saturday at...

- Blog Updates - Tuesday To Saturday
I am going up to north Wales for few days - I am off on Tuesday morning this week (the 12th) and will be back on Saturday 16th. As I still haven't managed to recruit a willing victim to babysit this monster during my absences the blog will not be...

- Blog Updates
See below for today's postings. As from today, Saturday 15th, I will be off for a week without an Internet connection again, for the very last time in the forseeable future, unless I am lucky enough to piggy-back off someone else's wireless connection....

- Posting Update
See the previous six or seven items, posted in the last few minutes late on Saturday night UK time. However, I am delivering a talk on early Egyptian agriculture on Sunday at an Egyptology open-day, and am going to stay to listen to the other speakers...

